The worst gift that I received was last year and I got a eraser that said for big mistake I was so surprise because I usally get games or clothes. That was one of the last things that I thought I would get for christmas but I still was happy for it. The best thing that I got for Christmas was my xbox one because I been wanting it for a long time and I finally got it but I had to share it with my sibling I it was still a pretty cool gift.
The book is about a kid that lives on a Rez and everyone is poor on the Rez and their school is trying to end their tradition so he wants to learn more because their school is not teaching them to the fullest so he going to be wired. he chooses a school full of rich white kid sand he poor they all have fancy backpacks and cloth and he dosent really have any of those things so it a really funny but sometime sad kind of book.
In the book I'm reading it turn from being a happy book and then a sad part happen their family was poor and they could not pay for the dog to get it treatment so the kid told his parents to help him.but they said he be alright but the kid new they were lieing he wanted to take him but they told them the truth that he was in so much pain and they dident have the money to pay for the treatments. so his mom hold him back and his father got the shock gun and went to the dog but the kid stated running away but all he hear was the one gun shot bullet as he was running and that was a really sad part in the book.
The schroch trails is a good book that you should read but try reading maze runner first because it might get confusing if you don't but it's a book with a lot of mystery. In it like Tomas the main character and his group from the glade get rescue from these people that take them to this camp and they think they are safe there but they start wondering who they are. these people came out of nowhere and saved them but really it's just a exciting book to read it has a lot of parts that shock you that's why I recommend this book to anyone that like mystery it's a good book.
The book I been reading is called clock works angel its about this person named will he in London and he is finding out that he special. He has special powers that he can do to help people in the world .he in Londonderry and to help him he has his friends Jim and Tessa to help him figur out why this is happening to him.
I think that the theme of the outsider is that every thing bad has a concecence because Johnny had killed that boy and he wasn't allowed to stay in the place he lived in he had to hide in a church far away because of what he did. So what he did was a result of him running away and cutting his hair and hidding the church with pony boy.